inhale love, exhale hate
"When you're struggling with something, look at all the people around you.
Every single person you see is struggling with something,
and to them, it's just as hard as what you're going through."
- Nicolas Sparks
Even the best fall down sometimes, even the wrong words seem to rhyme
Out of the doubt that fills my mind, I somehow find you and I collide
Thursday, February 3, 2011 @ 10:50 PM

Well, well, well. So today was the first full day of semester 2, and I'm not complaining for once :) But it's kinda gay that we have to sit in alphabetical order for religion, like suck my tits. K but anyways, my best friend is coming back in like 3 days, and I'm actually thoooo excited. Got lots to tell him (: Oh and we had our first volleyball game in like 2 weeks, omg horrible. LOL. I just had a shawarma that my sister bought, meh I've had better... it wasn't even that good, how dissapointing. My back hurts right now D: God I'm getting old. Anywhoooo, I've been talking to this guy from my old school all day, it's good talking to people from catherines, it makes me happy :') I remember I had a crush on this guy from like grade 1 til I left in grade 3, and everyone used to tease me LOL. But we've decided to hang out cause I haven't seen him since like omg I don't even know when. SO, yeah I've been so lazy all day, I don't even know how I'm gonna get up tomorrow. Nothing special really happened today, so I'm just gonna make this blog a short one. See ya later, alligator!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011 @ 10:42 PM

YES! So hopefully Angela is really nice to me, and she lets me only work 5 hours a week (YN) But anyways, today was okay. I saw my exams today, oh God D: LOL that's all I have to say. I'm in a pretty good mood right now I guess. I'm gonna go shopping tomorrow @ erin mills WOOHOOOOO, let's just hope there's no snow storm and that it ends up snowing all day on thursday! :D Omg right now I'm in the most comfortable sweater ever and it's the best feeling, holy. Usually right now I'd be on the phone with mista sergiu pilca but no he's not even in the same country. BUT I GOT AN INBOX FROM HIM TODAY! LOL it actually made me smile :):):) I'm gonna go watch my strange addiction and maybe hawaii five-o re-runs, so I will blog again tmrw :D

@ 10:44 AM

HI GUYS :D so I'm in media arts with victoria & jack, and they blocked tumblr and everything SO I CAN'T DO ANYTHING ANYMORE ON THIS COMPUTER :'( boo this sucks. Oh & now I apparently smell like Amanda... LOL.

Monday, January 31, 2011 @ 11:27 PM

What the fuck is going on? I'm so confused right now, omg. Like I know it's there, I'm not denying that, but just like why? What the heck do I do about it? Fuck. Maybe I should let him know, it's the right thing to do at this point. Jeeze I feel like I'm overthinking this. KNFALNFAGNFADKJGNADG. Ughhh, we'll see where this goes I guess... But anyways, I'll probably be going to sleep soon, since I have school tommorrow D: Bleh, but first I guess I gotta figure things out.

@ 5:38 PM

Well my parents are fighting again. It's weird to hear it cause they never do. But then again, what married couple doesn't fight these days? Anyways, I said I was going to blog again yesterday, but I was just too mad to do anything, but she emailed me back saying I didn't have to :) so I'm pretty happy about that. I'm gonna go read a book by lurlene mcdaniel now, omg her book a rose for melinda made me tear up, I'm not gonna lie lmfao. So yeah, lately I've just been laying in ymmmmmmjmmmm9mmmmmm sorry, my 'm' broke off again... LOL. As I was saying, lately I've just been in my room thinking about everything, and I think I realized something that I should've a long time ago. Last night was pretty hard for me. I don't know why I always find it so hard to let go, its just Michael was such a big part of me that it took a lot to realize that there's no point on holding on anymore. I mean, what's there to hold on to? Nothing. Me and him had a talk last night, and we both realized it was time to move on completely. He wasn't sure if he still wanted to be in my life as a friend, and that was one of the hardest things I had to hear. After everything me & him have been through, I couldn't believe that he didn't even wanna be friends. But we talked it out, and we both know that it's best if we just focus on ourselves right now. Yeah I'm gonna miss him, but I got better things going for me, and he does too. Who knows, maybe in the future we could take a shot @ it again? But as for now, he'll just be another memory.

Sunday, January 30, 2011 @ 8:31 PM

HOLY MOTHER FUCKING CUNT BITCH. I AM SO FUCKING FURIOUS RIGHT NOW, HOLY SHIT. I don't think I've ever been this mad before. I WORKED ON CHRISTMAS AND FUCKING NEW YEARS @ THIS PLACE, AND THEY STILL EXPECT ME TO COME ON SATURDAY WHEN I'M FULLY DONE MY 200 HOURS? FUCK YOU. I'VE NEVER MISSED ONE DAMN SHIFT, AND I WAS ONLY SUPPOSED TO FREAKING DO 200 HOURS. UGH YOU BITCHES. I FUCKING HATE THAT PLACE, IT'S A FUCKING SHITHOLE, IT MAKES ME SO DAMN MISERABLE. So, to explain my angry rant. I volunteer @ this stupid clinic, and everyone there is either two-faced or just plain bitchy. I work fucking 13 hours a week, doing shit that I should be paid for, and I was only supposed to do 200 hours. I write the manager an e-mail just letting her know that I'm done next week. AND SHE TELLS ME THAT SHE CAN'T CHANGE THE SCHEDULE BECAUSE IT'S ALREADY MADE. BITCH, IT'S WRITTEN DOWN ON A PIECE OF PAPER, ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS CROSS MY DAMN NAME OUT. But anyways, this place is miserable. I work fucking 8 hours shifts on saturday... WITHOUT A BREAK. WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT? Oh & not to mention the boss is a dick head. I'll blog again later, when I calm the fuck down.

Saturday, January 29, 2011 @ 11:36 PM

So, I decided to start blogspotting again cause I actually missed it LOL. The only reason why I stopped was cause I was venting to a computer screen and a keyboard, but then I thought about it today, and venting out on this shit actually made me more calm. SO WHY NOT RIGHT!? But anyways, the last time I posted was March 6th, 2010... Holy shit, now that I'm looking back @ it, a lot of stuff happened:
1. Me & Michael broke up. We were together for about a year & 2 months? Something like that. It was my longest relationship that's for sure, but it wasn't always the happiest. Yeah to those people who didn't know what really went on, we always looked so "happy." But trust me, there were things we both shouldn't have done, or shouldn't have said. We were far from happy, especially during the summer. One thing lead to another, fight after fight, it even got to the point where we were fighting every single day. I was suprised myself that I would even stay in a relationship like that. But then the day came where I finally realized that it just wasn't right anymore. But on a happier note, we worked things out I guess, and now we're friends, so that's good :)
2. I turned 15, woo! I can't even remember what I did for my birthday though... wtf. LOL um, let me think. Wow, I actually really don't remember what I did. THAT'S SO SAD LMFAO. I'm looking forward to my 16th birthday though!
3. I got my beautiful blackberry curve from my mommy for being on honour roll (A) oh & I won the highest mark in freaking gym. LAME LOLOLOL. What am I gonna become in the future? A damn fitness trainer? I can't even go up the stairs at my school without being winded. FML.
4. I became best friends with mister sergiu pilca :D We started talking in the summer cause we were in the same class for summer school, and we sat beside eachother with kristin. & one day Michael was mad @ me, and I guess him & Kristin noticed I was kinda down so they asked me what was wrong and then from there me & him just got closer. It's pretty cool cause me & him got closer than I did with some friends that I've known for more than 5 years. This kid just understands me so well. UFNUAGADJG, it's pretty crazy cause sometimes he even knows what I'm thinking D: But anyways, today he left for Florida and I won't be able to talk to him for 9 days :( EFF DAT SHIT. But yeah I miss him so much already.
5. I GOT MY POOL. WOO. It was fun for like the first month but then it became a bitch cause like all the maintenance and shit. I never knew how hard it was to keep a damn pool clean. Ew & I remember there was this water bug living in it and it made babies so there was like all these bugs actually swimming. They probably swim better than me... LOLOL.
6. I finished my semester 1 exams for grade 10 :D It was pretty easy, but then I think about it & damn I'm getting old. TWO MORE YEARS OF HIGHSCHOOL AND I'M OUTTA HERE. I just don't know if I should be happy or scared. But yeah, my next semester is going to be so easy. I CUNT WAIT.
7. More stuff happened...It's just not coming to me right now LOL DON'T THINK I'VE ONLY HAD 6 MAJOR EVENTS HAPPEN TO ME WITHIN 10 MONTHS OKAY.

OKAY SO NOW, yesterday was omg. Some people came over to "my live jam on the west side." LOLOL. But yeah, people came over & we drank and danced and did all the badass highschoolers do in the movies. But I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to have another jam during the march break 0o0o0o0o0o.
& TODAY WAS THE LAST 8 HOUR SHIFT I HAD TO DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Honestly I'm so happy to live that shithole, holy crap bunch of two-faced bitchy ass co-workers LOL. But whatever, I met a lot of nice people to balance it out :)

okok so now I think I'm gonna go on tumblr for a bit then get some zzz. Ugh I miss talking to my best friend. COME BACK ALREADY :'(